
How to Setup Password?

To ensure the security and privacy of your account, when installing the Viction Wallet and launching it for the first time, you need to set up a password.

Step 1: Install Viction Wallet and open it.

Step 2: At Get Started screen, select the action you want to perform

→ You will be redirected to the setup password process

Step 3: Input Password and Confirm Password fields

Step 4: Tick ​​the checkbox to confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by Viction Wallet's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

Step 5: Click Create Password to create a password and redirect to the respective process you selected

How to Lock Wallet?

To increase security, you can lock the wallet when not in use, or the wallet will be automatically locked after a period of inactivity.

Step 1: Open Viction Wallet

Step 2: At the home screen, click the Lock icon

→ After the wallet is locked, you will be redirected to the Unlock Wallet screen.

How to Unlock Wallet?

Step 1: Having created a Viction Wallet

Step 2: Input Password

Step 3: Click Unlock Wallet to access Viction

Last updated