Viction Private Testnet Setup

This tutorial shows how to set up a private Viction Testnet on a local machine. The purpose is to help developers to familiarise themselves with Viction's source code and initial setup.

The following will walk you step-by-step to setup a Viction private net with four Masternodes.

Setup environment

Install Golang

  • Set environment variables

set GOROOT=$HOME/usr/local/go

Build Tomo from source

  • Create Tomo folder

mkdir $HOME/tomo
cd $HOME/tomo
  • Download source code and build:

git init
git remote add
git pull origin master
make all
  • Download source code Tomo and install library:

git clone
cd Viction
go mod tidy -e
make all
cd ..
  • Create alias for Tomo (this will only be effective in current session)

alias tomo=$PWD/Viction/build/bin/tomo
alias puppeth=$PWD/Viction/build/bin/puppeth
alias bootnode=$PWD/Viction/build/bin/bootnode

Setup Nodes and Accounts

  • Create a file to store password to encrypt/decrypt private key in plain text:

echo [YOUR_PASSWORD] >> $HOME/tomo/password.txt
  • You can either create new keypair or import private key for your node:

tomo account new --password $HOME/tomo/password.txt --datadir $HOME/tomo/node1
  • Repeat the process for node2, node3 and node4.

Customize genesis block using the puppeth tool

  • Run puppeth command and answer questions about your private chain as follows:

  • Set chain name: Tomo

  • Configure new genesis: 2

  • Select POSV consensus: 3

  • Set block time (default 2 seconds): Enter

  • Set reward of each epoch: 250

  • Set addresses to be first masternode: Any address

  • Set account to seal: Address of Node 1, Node 2, Node 3, Node 4

  • Set the number of blocks of each epoch (default 900): Enter

  • Set gap (How many blocks before checkpoint need to prepare new masternodes set ?): 5

  • Set foundation wallet address: Enter

  • Account confirm Foundation MultiSignWallet: 2 or more addresses

  • Require for confirm tx in Foundation MultiSignWallet: 1

  • Account confirm Team MultiSignWallet: 2 or more addresses

  • Require for confirm tx in Team MultiSignWallet: 1

  • Enter swap wallet address for fund 55 million VIC: Any address

  • Enter account be pre-funded: Any address, should be at least 1

  • Enter Network ID: Any number

  • Export genesis file

    • Select 2. Manage existing genesis

    • Select 2. Export genesis configuration

    • Enter genesis filename (example): $HOME/tomo/genesis.json

  • Control + C to exit

Initialize Your Private Chain with Above Genesis Block

tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node1
tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node2
tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node3
tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node4

Setup Bootnode

  • Initialize bootnode key

bootnode -genkey bootnode.key
  • Start bootnode and copy bootnode information

bootnode -nodekey ./bootnode.key


Start Masternode

  • Start Masternode 1

tomo --networkid [YOUR_NETWORK_ID] --identity "NODE1" \
     --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 1545 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --rpcapi "db,debug,eth,net,personal,web3" \
     --ws --wsaddr --wsport 1546 --wsorigins "*" \
     --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive" --port 10303 --bootnodes [YOUR_BOOTNODE_INFORMATION] \
     --mine --password [YOUR_PASSWORD_FILE_TO_UNLOCK_YOUR_ACCOUNT] --unlock 0 \
     --datadir $HOME/tomo/node1 \
  • Start Masternode 2

tomo --networkid [YOUR_NETWORK_ID] --identity "NODE2" \
     --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 2545 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --rpcapi "db,debug,eth,net,personal,web3" \
     --ws --wsaddr --wsport 2546 --wsorigins "*" \
     --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive" --port 20303 --bootnodes [YOUR_BOOTNODE_INFORMATION] \
     --mine --password [YOUR_PASSWORD_FILE_TO_UNLOCK_YOUR_ACCOUNT] --unlock 0 \
     --datadir $HOME/tomo/node2 \
  • Start Masternode 3

tomo --networkid [YOUR_NETWORK_ID] --identity "NODE3" \
     --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 3545 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --rpcapi "db,debug,eth,net,personal,web3" \
     --ws --wsaddr --wsport 3546 --wsorigins "*" \
     --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive" --port 30303 --bootnodes [YOUR_BOOTNODE_INFORMATION] \
     --mine --password [YOUR_PASSWORD_FILE_TO_UNLOCK_YOUR_ACCOUNT] --unlock 0 \
     --datadir $HOME/tomo/node3 \
  • Start Masternode 4

tomo --networkid [YOUR_NETWORK_ID] --identity "NODE4" \
     --rpc --rpcaddr --rpcport 4545 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --rpcapi "db,debug,eth,net,personal,web3" \
     --ws --wsaddr --wsport 4546 --wsorigins "*" \
     --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive" --port 40303 --bootnodes [YOUR_BOOTNODE_INFORMATION] \
     --mine --password [YOUR_PASSWORD_FILE_TO_UNLOCK_YOUR_ACCOUNT] --unlock 0 \
     --datadir $HOME/tomo/node4 \
  • Some explanations on the flags

--networkid: our testnet network ID.
--identity: your full-node's name.
--rpc, --rpcaddr, --rpcport, --rpccorsdomain, --rpcvhosts: your full-node will accept RPC requests at 8545 TCP.
--ws, --wsaddr, --wsport, --wsorigins: your full-node will accept Websocket requests at 8546 TCP.
--synmode: blockchain sync mode ("fast", "full", or "light". More detail:
--gcmode: blockchain garbage collection mode ("full", "archive")
--port: your full-node's listening port (default to 30303)
--bootnode: bootnode information to help to discover other nodes in the network
--mine: your full-node wants to register to be a candidate for masternode selection.
--password: your account's password.
--datadir: path to your data directory created above.
--verbosity: log level from 1 to 5. Here we're using 4 for debug messages

To see all flags usage

tomo --help

Connect to other node manually

We'll try to let node2 to connect to node1.

Get node info

  • Connect to node1 ipc

tomo attach $HOME/node1/tomo.ipc
  • In the newly open prompt, run the following command:


As in the example, we can see enode information of node1. Copy this information for later use.

For example enode://89a5e91d30461641c4ede519c065b2f1e6d23a36d45e2d953e0ec9fa75e516517a0d4964489e07b73a7fa48e67d42fb2498ba46fe1a814c42ec0ad3257ced47a@[::]:10303

  • Exit node1 ipc prompt by this command:


Add peer for your node

  • Connect to node2 ipc

tomo attach $HOME/node2/tomo.ipc
  • In the newly open prompt, connect to other node by their enode (which we get from the previous step) using the following command:

  • Now check if we added peer sucessfully:

  • Exit node2 ipc prompt by this command:

  • Repeat this step for other nodes.

Check Your Private Chain

  • Connect ipc

tomo attach $HOME/tomo/node1/tomo.ipc
  • Connect rpc

tomo attach tomo attach http://localhost:1545
  • Verify Checkpoints

    Wait about 30 minutes to see if your chain passes the first checkpoint
tomo attach


  • Reset your chain

rm -rf $HOME/tomo/node1/tomo $HOME/tomo/node1/tomox
rm -rf $HOME/tomo/node2/tomo $HOME/tomo/node2/tomox
rm -rf $HOME/tomo/node3/tomo $HOME/tomo/node3/tomox
rm -rf $HOME/tomo/node4/tomo $HOME/tomo/node4/tomox
tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node1
tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node2
tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node3
tomo init $HOME/tomo/genesis.json --datadir $HOME/tomo/node4

Note: we use the Gnosis Multisig Wallet:

Last updated