Contact & Support

Where can I take a look at Viction code? Is there a GitHub repository?

All the code regarding Viction is free to access on our GitHub. This includes the code for the Viction blockchain client, governance Dapp, block explorer, tools, docker images, documentation, etc.

We like to publish code publicly when it reaches a certain level of development and/or when we think auditing and contributions are beneficial to the codebase. Keeping early projects private is probably more responsible for now due to our scale. It might change in the future.

We are also working with some third parties with which we signed a non-disclosure-agreements for code development.

Where can I contact you to get support?

If you need support, please contact us on one of these platforms:

Which are Viction's official channels for communication and information?

You can keep in touch with our latest news here:

  1. Telegram Announcements:

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