Viction public chain

The blockchain as a foundation for decentralized projects, web3 Dapps and the VIC token.

About Viction network

Viction is a scalable blockchain powered via Proof-of-Stake Voting (PoSV) consensus, in mainnet since 2018, taking a community-driven approach to accelerate the mass adoption of web3 applications. Viction achieves 2000 TPS, 2-second blocktime, and ~$0 gas fees without compromising decentralization.

Our mission is to accelerate the onboarding of millions of users by empowering today’s web3 applications with technology that masks the friction of Blockchain, all while retaining its underlying benefits.

The Viction blockchain allows web3 builders to build high-performance, and feature-rich blockchain projects on an enhanced EVM-compatible platform. An array of products designed to support users’ speed, privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.

Viction network is built on a performance layer that achieves high transaction speeds without compromising decentralization. Proof of Stake Voting (PoSV) consensus gives an incentive to all Viction token-holders to play an active part in staking across a network of 150 high-quality Masternodes, and to monitor their performance and governance actively. The staking-governance Dapp, VicMaster, is recognized as one of the leading staking platforms in the industry.

In the technical paper, Viction proposes the Proof-of-Stake Voting (PoSV) consensus, which is a PoS-based blockchain protocol with a fair voting mechanism, rigorous security guarantees, and uniform probability eventuality. The consensus has the following key novelties:

  • Double Validation to strengthen security and reduce the risk of a blockchain fork

  • Randomization provides security, and prevents handshaking attacks

  • Fast confirmation time and efficient checkpoints for finality

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