
This guide shows how to run a Viction Masternode in testnet and mainnet without the need of using Docker and tmn.

Install Golang

  • Reference:

  • Set environment variables

  • Supports Go 1.19+

export GOROOT=$HOME/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go

Prepare tomo client software

Build from source code

Create new directory for the project

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
  • Download source code and build

git clone Viction
cd Viction
  • Checkout the latest version (e.g v2.2.4)

git pull origin --tags
git checkout v2.2.4
  • Build the project

make all
  • Binary file should be generated in build folder $GOPATH/src/

alias tomo=$GOPATH/src/

Download Viction binary from Github release page

Download tomo binary from our releases page

alias tomo=path/to/tomo/binary

Download genesis block

$GENESIS_PATH : location of genesis file you would like to put

export GENESIS_PATH=path/to/genesis.json
  • Testnet

curl -L -o $GENESIS_PATH
  • Mainnet

curl -L -o $GENESIS_PATH

Create datadir

  • create a folder to store Viction data on your machine

export DATA_DIR=/path/to/your/data/folder
mkdir -p $DATA_DIR/tomo

Initialize the chain from genesis

tomo init $GENESIS_PATH --datadir $DATA_DIR

Initialize / Import accounts for the nodes's keystore

If you already had an existing account, import it. Otherwise, please initialize new accounts

export KEYSTORE_DIR=path/to/keystore

Initialize new accounts

tomo account new \
    --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR

Import accounts

tomo account import [PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_OF_YOUR_ACCOUNT] \    
    --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR \

List all available accounts in keystore folder

tomo account list --datadir $DATA_DIR  --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR

Start a node

Environment variables

  • $IDENTITY: the name of your node

  • $PASSWORD: the password file to unlock your account

  • $YOUR_COINBASE_ADDRESS: address of your account which generated in the previous step

  • $NETWORK_ID: the networkId. Mainnet: 88. Testnet: 89

  • $BOOTNODES: The comma separated list of bootnodes. Find them here

  • $WS_SECRET: The password to send data to the stats website. Find them here

  • $NETSTATS_HOST: The stats website to report to, regarding to your environment. Find them here

  • $NETSTATS_PORT: The port used by the stats website (usually 443)

Let's start a node

tomo  --syncmode "full" \
    --announce-txs \
    --datadir $DATA_DIR --networkid $NETWORK_ID --port 30303 \
    --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR --password $PASSWORD \
    --identity $IDENTITY \
    --mine --gasprice 250000000 \
    --bootnodes $BOOTNODES \

If you are a dapp developer, you should open RPC and WS apis:

tomo  --syncmode "full" \
    --announce-txs \
    --datadir $DATA_DIR --networkid $NETWORK_ID --port 30303 \
    --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR --password $PASSWORD \
    --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcaddr --rpcport 8545 --rpcvhosts "*" \
    --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3,personal,debug" \
    --ws --wsaddr --wsport 8546 --wsorigins "*" --unlock "$YOUR_COINBASE_ADDRESS" \
    --identity $IDENTITY \
    --mine --gasprice 250000000 \
    --bootnodes $BOOTNODES \

If you want to run an archive node to be able to access historical data, you must add two more parameters to the command line --gcmode archive --store-reward , so the final command line will be:

tomo  --syncmode "full" \
    --announce-txs \
    --datadir $DATA_DIR --networkid $NETWORK_ID --port 30303 \
    --keystore $KEYSTORE_DIR --password $PASSWORD \
    --rpc --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcaddr --rpcport 8545 --rpcvhosts "*" \
    --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3,personal,debug" \
    --ws --wsaddr --wsport 8546 --wsorigins "*" --unlock "$YOUR_COINBASE_ADDRESS" \
    --identity $IDENTITY \
    --mine --gasprice 250000000 \
    --bootnodes $BOOTNODES \
    --gcmode archive --store-reward

Some explanations on the flags

--verbosity: log level from 1 to 5. Here we're using 4 for debug messages

--datadir: path to your data directory created above.

--keystore: path to your account's keystore created above.

--identity: your full-node's name.

--password: your account's password.

--networkid: our network ID.

--port: your full-node's listening port (default to 30303)

--rpc, --rpccorsdomain, --rpcaddr, --rpcport, --rpcvhosts: your full-node will accept RPC requests at 8545 TCP.

--ws, --wsaddr, --wsport, --wsorigins: your full-node will accept Websocket requests at 8546 TCP.

--mine: your full-node wants to register to be a candidate for masternode selection.

--gasprice: Minimal gas price to accept for mining a transaction.

--targetgaslimit: Target gas limit sets the artificial target gas floor for the blocks to mine (default: 4712388)

--bootnode: bootnode information to help to discover other nodes in the network

--gcmode: blockchain garbage collection mode ("full", "archive")

--synmode: blockchain sync mode ("fast", "full", or "light". More detail:

--ethstats: send data to stats website

--tomo-testnet: required when the networkid is testnet(89)

--store-reward: store reward report

To see all flags usage

tomo --help

See your node on stats page


If your node seems run smooth with no error logs but still get slash frequently. You need to check system time on your node, your system time have to be synced from NTP server


$ timedatectl
Local time: Fri 2019-07-26 05:57:40 CEST
  Universal time: Fri 2019-07-26 03:57:40 UTC
        RTC time: Fri 2019-07-26 03:58:01
       Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200)
 Network time on: yes
NTP synchronized: no
 RTC in local TZ: no

NTP synchronized: no means your node does not use NTP, you have to enable it.

Last updated